The present study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh for a period of one year from 1st June 2009 to 30th June 2010 to see the Neurological Consequence of Eclampsia. A total number of 37 patients were enrolled in this study. Among 37 patients majority are in the age group of 21-30 years which is 19(51.4%) cases followed by less than or equal to 20 years and more than 30 years which are 13(35.1%) cases and 5(13.5%) cases respectively. Knee jerk is present in 28(75.7%) cases and absent in 8(21.6%) cases. The exaggerated knee jerk is present in only in 1(2.7%) case. The rate of Glasgow coma scale is less than 5 in 21(56.8%) cases, 14(37.8%) cases in 5-10 and 2(5.4%) cases is in more than 10. Focal sign is absent in 22(59.5%) cases and present in 15(40.5%) cases. Majority of the patients is presented with absence of neck stiffness which is 35(94.6%) cases and the rest 2(5.4%) cases are presented with neck stiffness. Flexor planter response is found in 20(54.1%) cases which is the highest in number followed by extensor which is 15(40.5%) cases. In only 2(5.4%) cases the planter reflex is not elicitable. Presence of infarct is found in 15(40.5%) cases which is the highest number. Cerebral edema and Presence of haemorrhage is found in 3(8.1%) cases in each. Leuko-encephalopathy is found in 2(5.4%) cases. Encephalopathy and Both infarct & haemorrhage is found in 1(2.7%) case of each. Normal CT scan findings of brain are found in 12(32.4%) cases.