Purpose: To determine whether Double Inversion Recovery (DIR) on 3T MRI can enhance detection of epileptogenic lesions Methods: 29 adult patients with DRE were enrolled in a prospective pilot study. Brain MRIs were obtained using a specialized protocol that included: (1) Fast-Spin EchoT2, (2) T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), and (3) DIR sequences. Two neuroradiologists blinded to clinical information independently reviewed each sequence in the order listed above for T2-hyperintense lesions. Cortical lesions were determined to be concordant with the epileptic focus based upon available clinical and electrodiagnostic testing.
Results: Of 29 studies, 21 had a lesion identified with 13/21 abnormalities being non-specific. Of 8 remaining studies, 3 revealed a lesion only with DIR sequencing. DIR-lesions were concordant with clinical data in 1 subject, non-discordant in 1 subject, and discordant in 1 subject.
Significance: DIR has the potential to be more sensitive in detecting cortically based lesions relative to standard imaging. More data are needed to assess the sensitivity and specificity of DIR, particularly as it pertains to identification of epileptogenic lesions using electrodiagnostic testing and outcome after surgery.
Keywords: Double inversion recovery; EEG; Epilepsy surgery; Epilepsy/seizures; MRI.
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