A consolidated practice in cognitive neuroscience is to explore the properties of human visual working memory through the analysis of electromagnetic signals using cued change detection tasks. Under these conditions, EEG/MEG activity increments in the posterior parietal cortex scaling with the number of memoranda are often reported in the hemisphere contralateral to the objects' position in the memory array. This highly replicable finding clashes with several reported failures to observe compatible hemodynamic activity modulations using fMRI or fNIRS in comparable tasks. Here, we reconcile this apparent discrepancy by acquiring fMRI data on healthy participants and employing a cluster analysis to group voxels in the posterior parietal cortex based on their functional response. The analysis identified two distinct subpopulations of voxels in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) showing a consistent functional response among participants. One subpopulation, located in the superior IPS, showed a bilateral response to the number of objects coded in visual working memory. A different subpopulation, located in the inferior IPS, showed an increased unilateral response when the objects were displayed contralaterally. The results suggest that a cluster of neurons in the inferior IPS is a candidate source of electromagnetic contralateral responses to working memory load in cued change detection tasks.