Purpose: To investigate material density, flow, and viscosity effects on microsphere distribution within an in vitro model designed to simulate hepatic arteries.
Materials and methods: A vascular flow model was used to compare distribution of glass and resin surrogates in a clinically derived flow range (60-120 mL/min). Blood-mimicking fluid (BMF) composed of glycerol and water (20%-50% vol/vol) was used to simulate a range of blood viscosities. Microsphere distribution was quantified gravimetrically, and injectate solution was dyed to enable quantification by UV spectrophotometry. Microsphere injection rate (5-30 mL/min) and the influence of contrast agent dilution of injection solution (0%-60% vol/vol) were also investigated.
Results: No significant differences in behavior were observed between the glass and resin surrogate materials under any tested flow conditions (P = .182; n = 144 injections). Microspheres tend to align more consistently with the saline injection solution (r2 = 0.5712; n = 144) compared with total BMF flow distribution (r2 = 0.0104; n = 144). The most predictable injectate distribution (ie, greatest alignment with BMF flow, < 5% variation) was demonstrated with > 10-mL/min injection rates of pure saline solution, although < 20% variation with glass microsphere distribution was observed with injection solution containing as much as 30% contrast medium when injected at > 20 mL/min.
Conclusions: Glass and resin yttrium-90 surrogates demonstrated similar distribution in a range of clinically relevant flow conditions, suggesting that microsphere density does not have a significant influence on microsphere distribution. Injection parameters that enhanced the mixing of the spheres with the BMF resulted in the most predictable distribution.
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