Introduction: Developmental delay and dysmorphic features affect 1 - 3 % of paediatric population. In the last few years molecular cytogenetic high resolution techniques (comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays) have been proven to be a first-tier choice for clinical diagnostics of developmental delay and dysmorphic features.
Methods and results: In the present article we describe the clinical advantages of molecular cytogenetic approach (comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays) in the diagnostic procedure of two children with developmental delay, dysmorphic features and additional morphological phenotypes. Additionally, we demonstrate the necessity of fluorescent in situ hybridization utilisation to identify the localisation and underlying mechanism of detected chromosomal rearrangement.
Conclusions: Two types of chromosomal abnormalities were identified and confirmed using different molecular genetic approaches. Comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays are hereby presented as important methods to identify chromosomal imbalances in patients with developmental delay and dysmorphic features. We emphasize the importance of molecular genetic testing in patients' parents for the demonstration of the origin and clinical importance of the aberrations prior determined in the patients. The results obtained using molecular cytogenetic high resolution techniques methods are the cornerstone for proper genetic counselling to the affected families.
Uvod: Razvojni zaostanek in displastične znake ugotavljamo pri 1–3% otrok. Molekularne citogenetske tehnike z visoko ločljivostjo (CGH- in SNP-mikromreže) so v zadnjih letih postale ključna preiskava v rutinski klinični diagnostiki pri preiskovancih z razvojnim zaostankom, displastičnimi znaki in drugimi nepravilnostmi.
Metode in rezultati: V prispevku želimo prikazati klinične prednosti molekularnega citogenetskega pristopa v diagnostičnem postopku dveh otrok z razvojnim zaostankom, displastičnimi znaki in drugimi nepravilnostmi. Potrditev kromosomske preureditve z metodo FISH je potrebna za opredelitev točne kromosomske lokacije in mehanizma nastanka kromosomske nepravilnosti.
Zaključek: V prispevku predstavljamo dva tipa kromosomskih nepravilnosti, ki smo jih ugotovili in potrdili z različnimi molekularnimi metodami. Poudariti želimo pomen potrjevanja in analize pri starših za opredelitev izvora nastanka kromosomske preureditve. Rezultati genetske preiskave so ključni pri genetskem svetovanju prizadetim posameznikom in njihovim družinam.
Keywords: CGH-array; FISH; SNP-array; copy number variations.