Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the reasons for pediatric emergency department (ED) transfers and the professional characteristics of transferring providers.
Methods: We performed a multicenter, cross-sectional survey of ED medical providers transferring patients younger than 18 years to 1 of 4 tertiary care children's hospitals. Referring providers completed surveys detailing the primary reasons for transfer and their medical training.
Results: The survey data were collected for 25 months, during which 641 medical providers completed 890 surveys, with an overall response rate of 25%. Most pediatric patients were seen by physicians (89.4%) with predominantly general emergency medicine training (64.2%). The median age of patients seen was 5.6 years. The 3 most common diagnoses were closed extremity fracture (12.2%), appendicitis (11.6%), and pneumonia (3.7%). The 3 most common reasons for transfer were need for medical/surgical subspecialist consultation (62.6%), admission to the inpatient unit (17.1%), and admission to the intensive care unit (6.5%). When asked about the need for supportive pediatric services, referring providers ranked pediatric subspecialty and pediatric inpatient unit availability as the highest.
Conclusions: Most pediatric interfacility ED transfers are referred by general emergency medicine physicians who often transfer for inpatient admission or subspecialty consultation. Understanding the needs of the community-based ED providers is an important step to forming more collaborative efforts for regionalized pediatric emergency care.