Scope: Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant trace elements in the body. Although pharmacokinetics data described its absorption from the diet and its body excretion, the mechanisms involved in the uptake and transport of Si across the gut wall have not been established.
Methods and results: Caco-2 cells were used as a well-accepted in vitro model of the human intestinal epithelium to investigate the transport, across the intestinal barrier in both the absorption and excretion directions, of Si supplied as orthosilicic acid stabilized by vanillin complex (OSA-VC). The transport of this species was found proportional to the initial concentration and to the duration of incubation, with absorption and excretion mean rates similar to those of Lucifer yellow, a marker of paracellular diffusion, and increasing in the presence of EGTA, a chelator of divalents cations including calcium. A cellular accumulation of Si, polarized from the apical side of cells, was furthermore detected.
Conclusion: These results provide evidence that Si, ingested as a food supplement containing OSA-VC, crosses the intestinal mucosa by passive diffusion via the paracellular pathway through the intercellular tight junctions and accumulates intracellularly, probably by an uptake mechanism of facilitated diffusion. This study can help to further understand the kinetic of absorption of Si.
Keywords: Caco-2 cells; Intestinal absorption; Silicon; Transport mechanism; Vanillin-stabilized orthosilicic acid.
© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.