Diseases of the central nervous system are the most common cause of mobility and cognitive impairment. Stroke is the leading cause of hospitalization in the Neurological Rehabilitation Departments. Age increases the risk of stroke, therefore monitoring basic medical parameters, including blood pressure especially under age of 65, is a very important part of preventive healthcare. According to data from the National Association of Stroke, in 10% of patients after brain stroke, recovery of motor functions and mental state is almost complete, in 25% impairment is minimal, in 40% the functional and cognitive disability is moderated or significant therefore requires rehabilitation, in 10% in view of impossibility of active rehabilitation patients requires comprehensive nursing care service at home or in special long term care centers. Early mortality after stroke is about 15% of patients. Neurological rehabilitation after the incident of stroke is based on a multidisciplinary, individual approach to the problems arising directly from the consequences of stroke as well as comorbidities and social conditions and welfare in order to enable the best level of functioning at home and in society. The article discusses motor and cognitive impairment, which is important from neurological rehabilitation point of view as well as opportunities for their improvement. In addition, the work includes a description of the major risk factors for stroke, together with chosen predisposing genes statement.
Keywords: disability; rehabilitation; stroke.
© 2016 MEDPRESS.