The Use of Pyranoside-into-Furanoside Rearrangement and Controlled O(5) → O(6) Benzoyl Migration as the Basis of a Synthetic Strategy To Assemble (1→5)- and (1→6)-Linked Galactofuranosyl Chains

Org Lett. 2016 Nov 4;18(21):5504-5507. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b02735. Epub 2016 Oct 19.


A new pyranoside-into-furanoside (PIF) rearrangement of selectively protected galactopyranosides, followed by controlled O(5) → O(6) benzoate migration, gives either 5-OH or 6-OH products. It has been applied for the synthesis of four oligosaccharides related to the galactomannan from Aspergillus fumigatus. The assembly of target oligosaccharides containing both (1→5) and (1→6) linkages between galactofuranosyl residues was performed by applying terminal mannoside and digalactofuranoside blocks, forming a versatile approach toward fungal and bacterial carbohydrate antigens containing both 5-O- and 6-O-substituted galactofuranoside residues.

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