Ureteral obstruction represents a heterogeneous disease pattern and is treated by ureteral stenting or percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) depending on the necessity. The benefits of urinary diversion with ureteral stenting or PCN in malignant ureteral obstruction (MUO) for patient survival are only moderate. No differences have been found between ureteral stenting and PCN in MUO with regard to median patient survival and complication rates. In cases of MUO there is currently no evidence that urinary diversion improves the quality of life. Alternative concepts of ureteral stenting, such as tandem ureteral stents, metallic ureteral stents or metal mesh ureteral stents have not yet shown clear benefits. In benign ureteral obstruction, prospective randomized studies have demonstrated comparable quality of life after PCN or ureteral stenting. The method of choice for urinary diversion is influenced by the recommendations, personal experience of the clinician and the availability of the method.
Keywords: Benign ureteral obstruction; Malignant ureteral obstruction; Percutaneous nephrostomy; Ureteral stents; Urinary diversion.