The interaction between CrkII and cAbl is implicated in diverse cellular processes. This interaction starts with the binding of the N-terminal Src homology 3 (nSH3) domain of CrkII to the proline-rich motifs of cAbl (PRMscAbl). Despite its critical importance, the detailed binding mechanism between the nSH3 domain and PRMs remains elusive. In this study, we used nuclear magnetic resonance Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment to study the binding kinetics between the nSH3 domain of CrkII and PRMscAbl. Our results highlight that the nSH3 domain binds to three PRMscAbl with very high on- and off-rate constants, indicating the transient nature of the binding. To further characterize the binding transition state, we conducted the Eyring and linear free energy relationship analyses using temperature-dependent kinetic data. These data indicate that the binding transition state of the nSH3 domain and PRM is accompanied by small activation enthalpy, owing to partial desolvation of the transition state. These results also highlight the similarity between the transition and free states, in terms of structure and energetics. Although the binding of the nSH3 domain and PRM displays the features consistent with a diffusion-limited process within our experimental conditions, further tests are necessary to determine if the binding is a true diffusion-limited process.
Copyright © 2016 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.