A compact efficient high-repetition-rate doubly-resonant dual-wavelength KTP optical parametric oscillator (OPO), with output power up to 3.65 W and tuning ranges of 2.088-2.133 μm/2.171-2.122 μm for signal/idler waves, was deployed for terahertz (THz) generation in a GaSe crystal. Based on difference frequency generation (DFG), the THz wave was continuously tunable from 730.9 μm (0.41 THz) to 80.8 μm (3.71 THz), believed to be the first report of a compact high-repetition-rate widely-tunable THz source. The maximum THz average power reached 1.2 μW at 1.54 THz and the corresponding DFG efficiency was 7.8 × 10-7, entirely suitable for portable applications. The utility of the THz source was also demonstrated through spectroscopy and imaging experiments.