High level of Hb F has been shown to improve survival in sickle cell disease. Among 453 Cameroonians with sickle cell disease, we have investigated 18 selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in novel and suggestive loci associated with Hb F level identified through a genomewide association study in sickle cell disease patients in Tanzania, and whole-genome sequencing of a population from Sardinia. Seven of 10 variants reported in Sardinians were either monomorphic or very rare in the Cameroonians. No associations were observed with any SNPs and Hb F levels in Cameroonians affected by sickle cell disease. The present study illustrates the complexity of replicating Hb F-promoting variants association results across populations.
Keywords: Cameroon; Hb F; Sardinia; Tanzania; sickle cell disease.