Background: This pilot project aimed to evaluate the "Play&Grow" program which promotes age-appropriate dietary habits and playtime healthy routines through "connectedness to nature" experiences in Hong Kong families with young children.
Method: Thirty-eight preschoolers (aged 33.97 ± 9.38 mo), mothers, and their domestic workers were recruited. The families attended one workshop/week for a 4-mo period, consisting of: (i) health topic; (ii) food games; (iii) nature-related outdoor activities.
Results: Feeding practices, particularly Promoting and Encouragement to eat (PE) and Instrumental Feeding (IF) improved after the intervention (P = 0.008 and P = 0.016, respectively). Mother's BMI, responsibility for child's meal, child's birth weight had a bearing on the improvement of PE, r2 = 0.243, F(3,33) = 3.54, P = 0.025. Domestic helper's responsibility for child's cooking and her IF practices could predict child's picky eating (r2 = 0.203, F(2,34) = 4.322, P = 0.021). Mother's responsibility for child and helper's responsibility for cooking could predict child's consumption of salty foods (r2 = 0.252, F(2,34) = 5.737, P = 0.007). Physical activity of caregivers improved after the intervention.
Conclusion: The pilot confirmed the design, protocols, evaluation instruments, and logistics of the study. Modified "Play&Grow" intervention will be conducted in a more rigorous randomized controlled trial to determine the long-term impact on obesity prevention in Hong Kong.