The aim of the study is to determine the utility of echocardiography in the assessment of diastolic function in children and young adults with restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). RCM is a rare disease with high mortality requiring frequent surveillance. Accurate, noninvasive echocardiographic measures of diastolic function may reduce the need for invasive catheterization. Single-center, prospective, observational study of pediatric and young adult RCM patients undergoing assessment of diastolic parameters by simultaneous transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) and invasive catheterization. Twenty-one studies in 15 subjects [median (IQR) = 13.8 years (7.0-19.2), 60% female] were acquired with median left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) 21 (IQR 18-25) mmHg. TTE parameters of diastolic function, including pulmonary vein A wave duration (r s = 0.79) and indexed left atrial volume (r s = 0.49), demonstrated significant positive correlation, while mitral valve A (r s = -0.44), lateral e' (r s = -0.61) and lateral a' (r s = -0.61) velocities showed significant negative correlation with LVEDP. Lateral a' velocity (≤0.042 m/s) and pulmonary vein A wave duration (≥156 m/s) both had sensitivity and specificity ≥80% for LVEDP ≥ 20 mmHg. In pediatric and young adult patients with RCM, lateral a' velocity and pulmonary vein A wave duration predicted elevated LVEDP with high sensitivity and specificity; however, due to technical limitations the latter was reliably measured in 12/21 patients. These noninvasive parameters may have utility in identifying patients that require further assessment with invasive testing. These findings require validation in a multicenter prospective cohort prior to widespread clinical implementation.
Keywords: Catheterization; Echocardiography; Pediatric; Restrictive cardiomyopathy.