Introduction: During the 25th symposium of assisted reproduction in Brno was lunch time organised as the lunch table discussion on the selected topics of assisted reproduction. More than 150 specialists reviewed themes related to gynecology and embryology.Discussed topics: Lunch table discussion covered the following topics: (1) Cross-border health care in assisted reproduction; (2) Indication for PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) in the context of actual information; (3) Does ovarian stimulation belong to the ambulance of registering gynecologists? (4) Therapy with clomifen - only for IVF specialists? (5) How and with whom should psychological support be directed during IVF? (6) Stimulation in women with low ovarian reserve; (7) Is basic semen analyses sufficient? (8) Time-lapse systems as relevant markers of embryonic development; (9) How to be oriented with choices of media and consumables in the IVF lab, and (10) "Freeze All" - is this new trend in cryopreservation suitable for all?
Conclusions: Panel conclusions were presented during the afternoon session, which had great attendance, featured lively commentary, and produced some definitive consensus. Certain issues remained inconclusive, and these matters will be the subject of further discussion in the future. Specific summation of all deductions is presented in this paper.
Keywords: IVF round table discussion.; assisted reproduction; current topics.