Strawberry plants showing symptoms of lethal redness disease were found in production fields located in Tucumán province, Argentina. The presence of phytoplasmas was confirmed by PCR of 16S rDNA gene using phytoplasma universal primers. According to the 16S rDNA gene sequence identity, the four isolates analysed are related to the X-disease group (16SrIII) (identity ~99 %). These results were confirmed by in silico RFLP, actual RFLP and also by phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rDNA gene. This new phytoplasma was named as Strawberry X-Redness (StrawXR). The results from virtual and actual RFLP analyses of 16S rDNA gene revealed the presence of subgroup 16SrIII-J and three new 16SrIII subgroups. This is the first record of phytoplasmas from X-disease group associated strawberry in Argentina. These results confirm the prevalence of X-disease group and also contribute to the knowledge of diversity of phytoplasmas in this region.