Provision of anticipatory guidance to parents during well-child visits is a defining component of pediatric primary care. Using nationally representative data from the 2000 U.S. National Survey of Early Childhood Health, this study addressed the questions of whether, how, and what mothers of children below age 3 with different ethnic/racial background could benefit from anticipatory guidance. Structural equation modeling results showed that across ethnic/racial groups, guidance was directly associated with decreased maternal stress and directly and indirectly associated with effective parenting practices in child development, discipline, and safety. Moreover, guidance was consistently associated with decreased stress (effect size = .159/.123/.252) and increased effective parenting practices in child development (total effect = .090/.179/.296), discipline (total effect = .079/.138/.111), and safety (total effect = .186/.204/.229) in White/Black/Latino groups, respectively. Finally, whereas guidance was directly associated with child safety in all groups, it was indirectly contributed to child development and discipline via maternal stress in the Latino group only.
Keywords: anticipatory guidance; ethnic/racial differences; maternal stress; parenting practices; well-child health supervision.