The data presented here are related to the research article, entitled Genetic analysis of atherosclerosis identifies a major susceptibility locus in the major histocompatibility complex of mice, published in Atherosclerosis 2016;254:124 (A.T. Grainger, M.B. Jones, J. Li, M.H. Chen, A. Manichaikul, W. Shi, 2016) [1]. The supporting materials include original genotypic and phenotypic data obtained from 206 female F2 mice derived from an intercross between BALB and SMJ inbred mice. The F2 mice were fed 12 weeks of Western diet, starting at 6 weeks of age. Atherosclerotic lesion size in the aortic root of each mouse is the sum of the top 8 lesion areas. The data is provided in the format required for determining QTLs using two independent programs, J/QTL and PLINK.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Major histocompatibility complex; Mice; Quantitative trait locus.