Significant advances in medical imaging have been made in the past decades, enabling physicians to reach high precision in diagnosing patients' diseases by means of sophisticated imaging tools. However, the use of sophisticated tools is limited by the high costs and, in some cases, by the utilization of ionizing radiation, which have both great impact on the economy of a nation and on citizens' health, respectively. Guidelines have been published among countries to provide physicians with structured rules to be followed to suggest the correct imaging technique, suiting better the diagnostic question and avoiding inappropriate imaging requests. The COLLABORADI is a research project that addressed the phenomenon of inappropriate imaging prescriptions in Sicily (Italy) and proposed the design and implementation of a clinical decision support system to help physicians to set up the most appropriate diagnostic route for their patients. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the COLLABORADI software and its potential impact in diminishing inappropriate imaging.
Keywords: Clinical guidelines; Diagnostic Imaging; Rule-based system; Support decision system.