We demonstrate a full control ultra-stability Yb-doped fiber optical frequency comb (OFC). The carrier-envelop offset frequency (fceo) and the repetition rate (fr) are locked with the standard phase locked loop (PLL) technique. The fceo is locked to the radio frequency (RF) synthesizer, and the Allan deviation is 1.2 × 10-17/s. The fr is locked to an ultra-stability continuous wave (CW) laser at 972 nm. The beat signal (fbeat) between the Yb-doped fiber OFC and CW laser is obtained with the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 43 dB at 300 kHz resolution bandwidth (RBW). The time jitter of the fbeat signal is 278 as, which is integrated from 1 Hz to 10 MHz. The long-term stability is 575 μHz in 3 hours, and the corresponding Allan deviation is 2 × 10-18/s, which is the best stability result in Yb-doped fiber OFC. The linewidth is narrowed from 200 kHz to subhertz magnitude limited by the instrument resolution bandwidth.