Background/aim: Depression and anxiety are prevalent symptoms in kidney transplant patients. We aimed to evaluate the frequency and the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms in kidney transplant recipients using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The data were compared between the patients on CNI-based and mTORi-based maintenance immunosuppressive regimens.
Materials and methods: A total of 94 kidney transplant patients were enrolled in the study after exclusion of the patients already taking neuropsychiatric medications or unwilling to participate in the study. Participants were asked to self-report the inventories.
Results: Analysis of data showed that 62 (66%) recipients had BDI scores that indicated depression. The patients on CNI-based regimens (n = 74) had increased total BDI scores compared those on mTORi-based regimens [18 (8.75-28) vs. 6 (5.25-14.25), respectively, P < 0.001]. Regarding BAI scores, 79 patients (84%) had prominent anxiety symptoms. The patients on CNI-based regimens had significantly increased total BAI scores compared to those on mTORi-based regimens [21 (13-30.50) vs. 10.50 (8.25-14.75), respectively, P < 0.001].
Conclusion: Our results identified fewer side effects of mTORi-based maintenance immunosuppressive regimens regarding depression and anxiety symptoms compared to CNI-based regimens in kidney transplant patients.
Keywords: Anxiety; calcineurin inhibitors; depression; kidney transplantation; mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors.