Objective: Evaluate burden of disease associated with tobacco use in Argentina and estimate health and economic impacts of cigarette price increases through taxes.
Methods: A microsimulation model was used to quantify smoking-attributable impact on mortality, quality of life, and costs for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; pneumonia; and ten cancers. Modeling was done for effect of different price increase scenarios on tobacco use and their impact on health and economics.
Results: In Argentina, 44 851 deaths, 20 620 cancer diagnoses, 14 405 strokes, and 68 100 hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease can be attributed to smoking every year. Every year, 998 881 years of life are lost from premature death and disability. The cost of treating tobacco-attributable health problems amounts to 33 billion Argentine pesos (ARS). Tobacco taxes only cover 67.3% of this expense. If Argentina increases cigarettes prices by 50% in the next 10 years, 25 557 deaths, 42 560 cardiovascular events, and 11 222 cancers could be prevented, with an economic benefit of 122 billion ARS from savings on health costs and from increasing tax revenues (1 US$ = 8.8096 ARS).
Conclusions: Smoking-attributable burden of disease and costs to the health system are very high in Argentina. An increase in cigarette taxes could have considerable health and economic benefits.