Background: Crossed renal ectopia is a rare pathology that is often asymptomatic. Intraoperative detection with a sigma complicated neoplasia is more infrequent and requires correct management to avoid a renal ureteral injury.
Aim: To present a case report of a patient with a sigma complicated neoplasia and a crossed renal ectopia detected incidentally.
Case report: We present the case of a 62-year-old man that was submitted for emergency surgery for a sigma perforated neoplasm, and who presented with a previously undiagnosed left-side CRE. During surgery there was a need to insert 2-double-J stents as a guide to both ureters and to avoid any injury to them.
Discussion: Crossed renal ectopia is a rare, often asymptomatic entity, the diagnosis of which is usually incidental. In our case, the detection of a concomitant complicated neoplasm, required identification of both ureters due the anatomic doubt of its localization and to avoid them being injured. In conclusion, upon finding a casual crossed renal ectopia during an emergency surgery of sigma, we recommend the identification of the ureters to facilitate its location and to avoid any injury to the ureters.
Keywords: Cateterismo ureteral; Complicated sigma neoplasia; Crossed renal ectopia; Ectopia renal cruzada; Neoplasia de sigma complicada; Ureteral catheterization.
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