Context: Residual effects after nandrolone decanoate (ND) treatment are not reported.
Objective: Immediate and residual effects of low-dose ND and treadmill training were investigated.
Materials and methods: Male rats were trained and/or ND-treated for four weeks and the assessments were made after this period or four weeks later.
Results: The groups did not differ in final plasma glucose or AUC of the ivGTT, but hyperinsulinemia was noticed in some trained/treated groups. Training with ND increased muscle mass and ND decreased the reproductive structures. Decreased fat with training was reversed by detraining.
Discussion: The anabolic action of ND on skeletal muscle was enhanced by training. Fat and lipid changes were more linked to training/detraining, but the effects of ND on the reproductive structures persisted after treatment.
Conclusions: The effects of training on fat and muscle were not maintained after detraining, but low-dose ND had persistent effects on the reproductive structures.
Keywords: Nandrolone decanoate; detraining; lipid; rat; training.