Perioperative corneal abrasion is an ophthalmic complication commonly found in patients underwent general anesthesia. In this study, correlations between development of corneal injury and proteomic changes in tear film during general anesthesia were examined using an animal (rabbit) model. Being started after 1-h anesthesia, the process of accumulation of pathological changes in the cornea unequivocally led clinically significant abrasions following 3-6 h of the narcosis. The corneal damage was associated with alterations in profiles of major proteins of the tear film. Analysis of the tear proteome pointed to depression of lachrymal glands function, and suggested serotransferrin, serum albumin and annexin A1 as potential tear markers of the complication. The tear film alterations included fast drop of total antioxidant activity and activity of superoxide dismutase, and decrease in interleukin-4 and increase in interleukin-6 content indicating development of oxidative and pro-inflammatory responses. These findings suggest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy as prospective approach for prevention/treatment of perioperative corneal abrasions. The observed anesthesia-induced effects should be considered in any study of ocular surface diseases employing anesthetized animals.
Perioperatsionnye érozii rogovitsy (PÉR) – rasprostranennoe oftal'mologicheskoe oslozhnenie, vyiavliaemoe u patsientov, perenesshikh obshchuiu anesteziiu. V nastoiashcheĭ rabote s ispol'zovaniem éksperimental'noĭ modeli PÉR zhivotnykh (krolikov) ustanovlena korreliatsiia mezhdu razvitiem éroziĭ rogovitsy i izmeneniiami proteomnogo sostava sleznoĭ plenki. Pokazano, chto protsess nakopleniia patologicheskikh izmeneniĭ v rogovitse nachinaetsia cherez 1 ch i priobretaet klinicheski vyrazhennuiu formu v techenie posleduiushchikh 3-6 ch prebyvaniia zhivotnogo v usloviiakh obshcheĭ anestezii. Razvitie éroziĭ rogovitsy soprovozhdaetsia raznonapravlennymi izmeneniiami soderzhaniia osnovnykh belkov sleznoĭ plenki. Rezul'taty proteomnogo analiza slezy ukazyvaiut na podavlenie funktsii sleznykh zhelez v usloviiakh obshcheĭ anestezii, a takzhe govoriat o vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniia belkov serotransferina, syvorotochnogo al'bumina i anneksina A1 v kachestve markerov issleduemogo oftal'mologicheskogo oslozhneniia. Biokhimicheskie izmeneniia v sleznoĭ plenke vkliuchaiut bystroe padenie obshcheĭ antioksidantnoĭ aktivnosti i aktivnosti superoksiddismutazy, a takzhe snizhenie kontsentratsii interleĭkina-4 i uvelichenie soderzhaniia interleĭkina-6, chto govorit o razvitii lokal'nykh okislitel'nogo i provospalitel'nogo otvetov. Poluchennye dannye svidetel'stvuiut o perspektivnosti primeneniia antioksidantnoĭ i protivovospalitel'noĭ terapii dlia profilaktiki/lecheniia PÉR. Vyiavlennye éffekty obshcheĭ anestezii dolzhny uchityvat'sia pri provedenii liubykh issledovaniĭ poverkhnostnykh struktur glaza s ispol'zovaniem narkotizirovannykh zhivotnykh.
Keywords: antioxidant activity; corneal abrasion; dry eye; general anesthesia; pro-inflammatory response; tear proteome.