Correction of endothelial dysfunction in children residents of radioactively contaminated areas by nitric oxide donator

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2016 Dec:21:336-344.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


Objective: to determine the effectiveness of NO L arginine donator for correcting endothelial dysfunction in chil dren residents of radioactively contaminated areas.

Materials and methods: A group of children residents of radioactively contaminated areas with the presence of clinical and paraclinical signs of endothelial dysfunction was selected to assess the effectiveness of correcting endothelial dysfunction by NO L arginine donator according to selective screening. Biochemical parameters for the content of stable NO metabolites, serum L arginine; instrumental parameters of endothelium dependent vascular reaction on occlusion test, the ventilation capacity of the lungs were determined. A course of NO BetarhinТ dona tor, which active substance is L arginine, was received by examined children.

Results and conclusions: A group of children residents of radioactively contaminated areas with the presence of clinical and paraclinical signs of endothelial dysfunction was selected according to selective screening. The pro nounced positive therapeutic effect, good tolerability, absence of side effects were observed in children with endothelial dysfunction, who were received a course of NO L arginine donator. It has been established that L argi nine use contributed to increasing the content of serum arginine, nitrite, nitrate, and amounts of NO metabolites in children with endothelial dysfunction. Bronchospasm elimination was noted after L arginine use in the significant part of examined patients. An increase in the diameter of the brachial artery and its space in the test with post occlusion reactive hyperemia after the use of L arginine course was revealed by an evaluation of indicators for endothelium dependent vasodilatation of the large vessels using ultrasound method visualizing the brachial artery lumen. This indicates an increase in endothelial vasomotor capacity.

Meta: vyznachyty efektyvnist' zastosuvannia donatora NO L argininu dlia korektsiï endotelial'noï dysfunktsiï u ditey̆ – meshkantsiv radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriy̆.Materialy ta metody. Dlia otsinky efektyvnosti korektsiï endotelial'noï dysfunktsiï iz zastosuvanniam donatora NO L argininu za danymy selektyvnogo skryningu bula vidibrana grupa ditey̆ – meshkantsiv radioaktyvno zabrud nenykh terytoriy̆ z naiavnistiu klinichnykh ta paraklinichnykh oznak endotelial'noï dysfunktsiï. Vyznachalysia biokhimichni pokaznyky vmistu stabil'nykh metabolitiv NO, L argininu u syrovattsi krovi; instrumental'ni pokazny ky endoteliy̆zalezhnoï reaktsiï sudyn na okliuziy̆nu probu, ventyliatsiy̆noï spromozhnosti legeniv.Obstezheni dity otrymuvaly kurs donatora NO Betarginu.Rezul'taty ta vysnovky. Za danymy selektyvnogo skryningu vidibrana grupa ditey̆ – meshkantsiv radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriy̆ z naiavnistiu klinichnykh i paraklinichnykh oznak endotelial'noï dysfunktsiï. U ditey̆ z endo telial'noiu dysfunktsiieiu, iaki dodatkovo do bazysnoï terapiï otrymuvaly kurs donatora NO L argininu, spos terigalysia vyrazhenyy̆ pozytyvnyy̆ terapevtychnyy̆ efekt, garna perenosymist', vidsutnist' pobichnykh efektiv. Vyvchennia system oksydu azotu v dynamitsi zastosuvannia L argininu vyiavylo u ditey̆ z endotelial'noiu dys funktsiieiu pidvyshchennia vmistu v syrovattsi krovi argininu, nitrytu, nitratu, sumy metabolitiv NO. Pislia zastosuvan nia L argininu sposterigalosia usunennia bronkhospazmu u znachnoï chastyny obstezhenykh. Otsinka pokaznykiv endo teliy̆zalezhnoï vazodylatatsiï velykykh sudyn za dopomogoiu metodu UZ vizualizatsiï prosvitu plechovoï arteriï po kazala zbil'shennia diametra plechovoï arteriï i y̆ogo pryrostu v probi z postokliuziy̆noiu reaktyvnoiu giperemiieiu pislia zastosuvannia kursu L argininu. Tse svidchyt' pro pidvyshchennia vazomotornoï spromozhnosti endoteliiu.

Keywords: children; correction; endothelial dysfunction; nitric oxide donator; radioactively contaminated territories.

MeSH terms

  • Arginine
  • Brachial Artery
  • Child
  • Endothelial Cells*
  • Humans
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Vascular Diseases
  • Vasodilation


  • Nitric Oxide
  • Arginine