Ze339, an herbal extract from Petasites hybridus leaves is effective in treatment of allergic rhinitis by inhibition of a local production of IL-8 and eicosanoid LTB4 in allergen-challenged patients. However, the mechanism of action and anti-inflammatory potential in virally induced exacerbation of the upper airways is unknown. This study investigates the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of Ze339 on primary human nasal epithelial cells (HNECs) upon viral, bacterial and pro-inflammatory triggers. To investigate the influence of viral and bacterial infections on the airways, HNECs were stimulated with viral mimics, bacterial toll-like-receptor (TLR)-ligands or cytokines, in presence or absence of Ze339. The study uncovers Ze339 modulated changes in pro-inflammatory mediators and decreased neutrophil chemotaxis as well as a reduction of the nuclear translocation and phosphorylation of STAT molecules. Taken together, this study suggests that phyto drug Ze339 specifically targets STAT-signalling pathways in HNECs and has high potential as a broad anti-inflammatory drug that exceeds current indication. © 2016 BioFactors, 43(3):388-399, 2017.
Keywords: STAT signalling; cytokines; human nasal epithelial cells; microbial patterns; petasin; viral inflammation.
© 2017 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.