Abnormal coronary artery (CA) anatomy is common in cases of D-transposition of the great arteries (TGA) and can be a significant risk factor during the arterial switch operation. Here, we report three cases of TGA in which CA anatomy was assessed prenatally using color Doppler imaging. All CA, except the left circumflex CA in one case, were identified. CA anatomy was completely correctly diagnosed in one of our three cases. In the two remaining cases, the left circumflex CA could not be visualized in one patient, and the origin of the left anterior descending CA was not correctly diagnosed in the other. We found that prenatal assessment of CA anatomy using color Doppler in TGA was feasible, but the diagnostic accuracy was limited. We anticipate that more experience with the advancing technology will improve accuracy.
Keywords: coronary artery; echocardiography; fetus; prenatal diagnosis; transposition of the great arteries.
© 2017 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.