The present study was conducted to analyze the adverse effects of the anabolic steroids boldenone (BOL) and stanazolol (ST) in the reproductive function of male rats. These molecules were administered using three different protocols. In Protocol I, BOL and ST were administered in a higher dose than what is recommended but for a short period. In Protocol II, a moderate dose of these compounds was applied for an intermediate period, whereas in Protocol III a reduced dose was administered but for an extended period. Notably, Protocol I and III resulted in increased levels of reactive oxygen specimens (ROS [I, p < 0.01] [III, p < 0.001)]) and nitrite plus nitrate (NOx [I, p < 0.01] [II, p < 0.01] [III,p < 0.05]), respectively, whereas non-protein thiols (NPSH) levels were decreased only after Protocol III (p < 0.01). Myeloperoxidase activity was significantly increased after treatment with BOL in protocol II (p < 0.01) and III (p < 0.05) than with ST in protocol III (p < 0.05). Boldenone and ST also caused a significant up-regulation in the levels of serum testosterone when protocols I (p < 0.01) and II (p < 0.05) were performed. There were also visible histopathological alterations in the testes induced by treatment with BOL, namely degenerative changes primarily characterized by a decrease in the germinal epithelium. Together, these results suggest that the administration of BOL or ST exerts a significantly harmful effect in the testes of male rats. Moreover, all the treatment protocols used in this study induced deleterious effects on the testes, as indicated by the different biochemical parameters investigated. However, only the protocols of longer exposure time (II and III) induced morphological changes compatible with infertility.
Keywords: Boldenone; Myeloperoxidase; NAGase; Oxidative stress; Stanazolol; Testes.
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