IL-10 is a potent anti-inflammatory mediator that plays a crucial role in limiting host immunopathology during bacterial infections by controlling effector T cell activation. Staphylococcus aureus has previously been shown to manipulate the IL-10 response as a mechanism of immune evasion during chronic systemic and biofilm models of infection. In the present study, we demonstrate divergent roles for IL-10 depending on the site of infection. During acute systemic S. aureus infection, IL-10 plays an important protective role and is required to prevent bacterial dissemination and host morbidity by controlling effector T cells and the associated downstream hyperactivation of inflammatory phagocytes, which are capable of host tissue damage. CD19+CD11b+CD5+ B1a regulatory cells were shown to rapidly express IL-10 in a TLR2-dependent manner in response to S. aureus, and adoptive transfer of B1a cells was protective during acute systemic infection in IL-10-deficient hosts. In contrast, during localized s.c. infection, IL-10 production plays a detrimental role by facilitating bacterial persistence via the same mechanism of controlling proinflammatory T cell responses. Our findings demonstrate that induction of IL-10 has a major influence on disease outcome during acute S. aureus infection. Too much IL-10 at one end of the scale may suppress otherwise protective T cell responses, thus facilitating persistence of the bacteria, and at the other end, too little IL-10 may tend toward fatal host-mediated pathology through excessive activation of T cells and associated phagocyte-mediated damage.
Copyright © 2017 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.