We report 3 cases and review the published literature on sodium azide ingestion. A 38-year-old man intentionally ingested 2 tablespoonsful of sodium azide in water and developed seizures, coma, hypotension and fatal ventricular arrhythmias within 2 hours. A 33-year-old male ingested an unknown quantity of sodium azide. In the emergency department he was unconscious and underwent immediate intubation and gastric lavage. Nitrite therapy was instituted without improvement. He remained acidotic despite bicarbonate therapy and developed hypotension which was unresponsive to pressor agents. He died approximately 8 hours after admission despite resuscitative efforts. A 52-year-old male ingested 1.5 to 2g of sodium azide and survived for 40 hours. Nitrite therapy was ineffective. The role of sodium nitrite in treating sodium azide toxicity by producing methaemoglobin which complexes with azide is discussed.