The follow-up of an operated tendon is primarily clinical, although clinical examination may not be sufficient in the presence of certain complications. The imaging techniques are of great value not only in the diagnosis of tendon pathologies, but also as an adjunct to clinical evaluation. This is particularly true in the follow-up of patients submitted to surgical tendon reconstruction, by monitoring morphological effects of different interventions and evaluating tendon healing processes. Interpretation of imaging findings requires knowledge of the imaging appearance of the operated tendon during the healing phase, to distinguish between normal postsurgical changes and real pathology, as well as knowledge of surgical technique, postoperative course (including type of prescribed therapy) and possible postoperative complications. The most important imaging modalities to examine the Achilles tendon are ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. This article gives a review of some of the most common treatment strategies for Achilles tendon pathology, expected postoperative imaging findings and postoperative complications.
Keywords: Achilles tendon; Interventional radiology; MRI; Surgery; Ultrasound.