Multiple stresses are prevalent inside the tumor microenvironment rendering tumor growth, neighboring invasion and metastasis of the cancer cells to distant organs. NM23-H1 is the first metastasis suppressor gene identified and known to be implicated as an important regulator of stress-induced metastasis. Herein, we demonstrated that prototypical NM23-H1 expression diminished during hypoxia and serum starvation in Panc-1/MDA-MB-231 cells, but converse invasion patterns were obtained in these two diverse stresses. Supportingly, a compelling discrete difference in mRNA and protein levels of NM23-H1 was achieved in hypoxia as well as serum starvation. Knockdown of NM23-H1 activates EMT whereas the similar effects are subdued in serum starvation where NM23-H1 down-modulation prompted E-cadherin upregulation. Stable NM23-H1 expression augmented E-cadherin levels along with retardation in invadopodea formation and invasion. In hypoxia/serum starvation excess NM23-H1 effectively modulated the Twist1 promoter activity. Thus, differential regulation of NM23-H1 may corroborate/abrogate EMT depending on the nature of stress, tumor microenvironment and cellular context.
Keywords: E-cadherin; EMT; Hypoxia; NM23-H1; Panc-1; Serum-starvation; TME.
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