Objective: To evaluate the vitamin D nutritional status in Chinese women of child-bearing age by analyzing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level in 2010-2012. Methods: Data were obtained from the China Nutrition and Health Survey in 2010-2012. Using cluster sampling and proportional stratified random sampling, 1 514 women of child-bearing age (18-44 years old) from 34 metropolis and 41 small and medium-sized cities were included in this study. Demographic information was collected by questionnaire and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay, in accordance with the 2010 Institute of Medicine of the National Academies standards. We compared differences in vitamin D levels, specifically serious deficiency, lack of deficiency, insufficiency, and excess. Results: The overall serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of Chinese urban women of child-bearing age (P(50) (P(25)-P(75))) was 20.1 (15.1-26.3) ng/ml; minorities had a significantly higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 22.0 (15.9-27.5) ng/ml compared with women of Han nationality (19.8 (14.9-26.2) ng/ml) (χ(2)=7.02, P=0.008). The proportions of women with serious deficiency, lack of deficiency, insufficiency, and excess vitamin D were 11.6% (n=175), 37.9% (n=574), 35.1% (n=531), and 0.3% (n=5), respectively. Only 15.1% (n=229) of women of child-bearing age had normal vitamin D nutritional status. No significant differences in vitamin D nutritional status were observed according to age, body mass index, city, nationality, educational level, marital status, or household income per capita (P>0.05). Conclusion: Most Chinese urban women of child-bearing age have poor vitamin D levels and require vitamin D supplementation.
目的: 通过分析2010—2012年中国城市育龄妇女血清25羟基维生素D水平,评价育龄妇女维生素D营养状况。 方法: 2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测采用多阶段分层与人口成比例整群随机方法抽样,调查对象为中国内地31个省(直辖市、自治区)的34个大城市和41个中小城市中18~44岁的育龄妇女,共1 514名。采用问卷调查收集调查对象基本情况,放射免疫法测定育龄妇女血清25羟基维生素D浓度,按照美国国家科学院医学研究所2010年公布的判断人体维生素D的缺乏标准,比较不同特征育龄妇女血清25羟基维生素D水平,及其维生素D严重缺乏率、缺乏率、不足率及过量率差异。 结果: 中国城市育龄妇女血清25羟基维生素D P(50)(P(25)~P(75))为20.1 (15.1~26.3) ng/ml;少数民族育龄妇女血清25羟基维生素D水平[22.0(15.9~27.5)ng/ml]高于汉族[19.8(14.9~26.2)ng/ml](χ(2)=7.02,P=0.008)。中国城市育龄妇女维生素D严重缺乏、缺乏、不足率、过量率分别为11.6%(175名)、37.9%(574名)、35.1%(531名),0.3%(5名);只有15.1%(229名)的育龄妇女维生素D营养状况正常。不同年龄、BMI、城市类型、民族、文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭年人均收入的育龄妇女维生素D严重缺乏率、缺乏率、不足率和过量率差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。 结论: 中国城市育龄妇女维生素D水平普遍仍处于缺乏和不足状态,需要增加维生素D的补充。.
Keywords: China; Cross-sectional studies; Vitamin D; Women.