The onset of fetal pathologies can be screened during pregnancy by means of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) monitoring and analysis. Noticeable advances in understanding FHR variations were obtained in the last twenty years, thanks to the introduction of quantitative indices extracted from the FHR signal. This study searches for discriminating Normal and Intra Uterine Growth Restricted (IUGR) fetuses by applying data mining techniques to FHR parameters, obtained from recordings in a population of 122 fetuses (61 healthy and 61 IUGRs), through standard CTG non-stress test. We computed N=12 indices (N=4 related to time domain FHR analysis, N=4 to frequency domain and N=4 to non-linear analysis) and normalized them with respect to the gestational week. We compared, through a 10-fold crossvalidation procedure, 15 data mining techniques in order to select the more reliable approach for identifying IUGR fetuses. The results of this comparison highlight that two techniques (Random Forest and Logistic Regression) show the best classification accuracy and that both outperform the best single parameter in terms of mean AUROC on the test sets.