Pru p 3, a peach LTP, is located in pollinated flower styles and secreting downy hairs, transporting a derivative of camptothecin bound to phytosphingosine. Pru p 3 may inhibit a second pollination and may keep away herbivores until seed maturation. The allergen Pru p 3, a peach lipid transfer protein, has been well studied. However, its physiological function remains to be elucidated. Our results showed that Pru p 3 usually carries a lipid ligand that play an essential role in its function in plants. Using ESI-qToF, we observed that the ligand was a derivative of camptothecin binding to phytosphingosine, wich that is inserted into the hydrophobic tunnel of the protein. In addition, the described ligand displayed topoisomerase I activity inhibition and self-fluorescence, both recognized as camptothecin properties. During flower development, the highest expression of Pru p 3 was detected in the styles of pollinated flowers, in contrast to its non-expression in unpollinated pistils, where expression decreased after anthesis. During ripening, the expression of Pru p 3 were observed mainly in peel but not in pulp. In this sense, Pru p 3 protein was also localized in trichomes covering the fruit epidermis.
Keywords: Camptothecin; Flower development; Fruit development; Lipid transfer protein; Pollination; Pru p 3; Secondary metabolites.