Sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV

J Int AIDS Soc. 2015 Dec 1;18(6Suppl 5):20834. doi: 10.7448/IAS.18.6.20834. eCollection 2015.
No abstract available

Keywords: CHIWOS; Canada; HIV; PMTCT; adherence; adolescent girls; adolescents living with HIV; antiretroviral therapy; cervical cancer prevention; community-based research; couples; disclosure; discrimination; eMTCT; equity; evidence base; fertility; gender; gender inequalities; gender-based violence; healthcare; human rights; implementation science; integration; intimate partner violence; laws; low- and middle-income countries; mental health; pregnancy; qualitative research; reproductive health; reproductive rights; retention; review; sexual abstinence; sexual and reproductive health; sexual health; sexual satisfaction; stigma; survey; systematic; values; values and preferences; vertical transmission; violence; women; women living with HIV; women's health.