Based on our experience with head and neck cancer, we have developed an every-other-week, split-course schedule for giving combined cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil infusion and radiation to patients with regionally advanced non-small cell lung cancer for a limited number of cycles prior to planned resection. Sixty-four patients having stage III disease without distant metastases were treated with 4 cycles of combined chemotherapy and radiation to 40 Gy and were offered surgical resection. Thirty-nine patients (61%) underwent surgery. Nine had no residual cancer. No correlation was noted between clinical and histologic responses in the surgery group, but histologic response correlated with subsequent outcome. Survival was 58% at 1 year, 33% at 2 years, and 22% at 3 years. Although encouraging, the overall dismal prognosis of this disease has led us to pursue further improvements in protocol design prior to phase III testing of this concept. To this end, etoposide has been added to the above regimen, extending the cycles from every other week to every third week.