Background: Mycoplasma spp. are commensal organisms found in association with the mucus membranes of all mammalian species and are implicated in bacterial infections of many different locations. Mycoplasma spp. as a primary pathogen associated with otitis media in cats has not been reported.
Objectives: To describe three cats with Mycoplasma infection of the middle ear associated with various underlying disease processes.
Animals: Three client-owned cats.
Methods: Clinical examination, aerobic culture of the middle ear and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull.
Results: Mycoplasma spp. were grown on aerobic culture from the middle ear of three cats. In Case 1, concurrent neoplasia of the bulla was identified. Mycoplasma alone was cultured in Case 2 and Mycoplasma was grown in addition to Bordetella in Case 3. Case 1 was euthanized, Case 2 responded to Mycoplasma targeted therapy and Case 3 responded to Bordetella targeted therapy.
Conclusions and clinical importance: Mycoplasma infections of the middle ear may be clinically important and require targeted treatment in some cases.
© 2017 ESVD and ACVD.