Hydropeaking is one of the main pressures on the aquatic ecology in alpine rivers. Beside studies on abiotic process and biotic response on the local scale there is a lack in process understanding on the reach scale. Especially longitudinal changes of hydropeaking impacts based on retention processes have not been studied yet. Thus, based on unsteady one-dimensional and two-dimensional depth averaged modelling it was targeted to investigate possible changes in vertical ramping velocity for the discussion of possible mitigation measures at the local scale. Here, we compared artificial and natural sheltering habitats in terms of peak flow. Additionally, the hydropeaking assessment on various river scales was supported by an evaluation of tributaries in an alpine river system. Based on the modelling results and the discussion of the impact assessment of hydropeaking in different case studies we state, that on the first 5km downstream of the turbine outlet a significant decrease in vertical ramping velocity occurs. In this reach, habitat improvements should focus on increasing retention processes considering the higher risk of stranding for juvenile fish and macroinvertebrates. For morphological mitigation measures at the local scale, it turned out that self-formed, near-natural morphology should be targeted in terms of mitigation measure design compared to artificial sheltering habitats. Abundance and biomass of macroinvertebrates are directly linked to substrate variability in self-formed sheltering habitats downstream of gravel bars. Moreover, we ascertained that tributaries are able to contribute to the 'ecological potential' in multi-stressed hydropeaking rivers by providing spawning and rearing habitats for fish. However, for a sustainable improvement of the aquatic environment on all relevant scales, both sediment and flood dynamics have to be considered as important drivers to establish self-formed sheltering habitats in terms of hydropeaking.
Keywords: Aquatic habitats; Hydropeaking; Mitigation measures; River morphology.
Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.