Florida Covering Kids & Families (FL-CKF) at the University of South Florida's Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies advocates for uninsured children and promotes outreach and enrollment in the state's children's health insurance program, Florida KidCare. FL-CKF facilitates the development of local coalitions to reach children and families throughout the state. Coalitions are provided with one-on-one training and a wide array of tools to increase effectiveness such as coalition-building resources, membership guides, and assistance in building strong local partnerships. FL-CKF places emphasis on creating formalized membership structures so each member knows his or her responsibilities and is accountable for them, partnering with other organizations in the community, and training on how to create and maintain partnerships in the community at large. These approaches help create lasting coalitions and offer an easily replicable approach for others to enhance children's health insurance outreach and enrollment.
Keywords: access to health care; child/adolescent health; partnerships/coalitions.