We have studied the organization of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by pulse field gel electrophoresis as well as by isolation of cosmid clones. The total length of the heavy-chain variable region locus was estimated to be approximately 3000 kb. We found that D segments including a recently isolated D5 segment were dispersed among VH segments. We identified a pseudo V segment 18 kb 3' to the D5 segment in isolated cosmid clones. A 300 kb fragment produced by MluI digestion contained VH, D, JH segments and the distance between VH and D was estimated to be approximately 240 kb. Overlapping cosmid clones containing the human D1, D2, D3, D4, JH, Cmu and C delta genes were isolated. Restriction maps of these regions indicated that the distance between D and JH is about 22 kb. A partial restriction map of the VH locus was constructed using the pulse field gel electrophoresis technique and deletion of VH segments in B cells.