An intensive search for 2 years for patients with Bell's palsy, conducted through the polyclinics, university hospitals and physiotherapy centres in Benghazi, revealed a total of 242 cases. The average annual incidence per 100,000 population was 23.35 and the age-adjusted incidence 35.72. The incidence increased with age up to the sixth decade. Seasonal clustering was noted in the months of December and January. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus were associated in 4.1% and 7% of patients, respectively. Only four patients presented during pregnancy. Recurrent facial paralysis was encountered in 5.4% of patients and was characterized by male preponderance and a tendency to recur more frequently on the same side as the initial paralysis. Familial incidence and bilateral involvement were rare features. Twelve per cent of patients who were followed up had moderate to severe residual weakness.