Objective: To analyze the HIV-infection related behaviors among unmarried youths in rural areas of Liangshan prefecture from 2011 to 2013 and factors that influencing the HIV transmission in the population under research. Methods: According to the HIV sentinel surveillance methods for data collection, EpiData 3.1 and SPSS 19.0 were used to handle data and both Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to explore the related factors. Results: A total number of 5 871 qualified youths were involved in this study from 2011 to 2013 with the prevalence rate on HIV infection among those unmarried youths from the rural areas as 3.45% (201/5 833). 27.56% (1 607/5 833) of them had been working outside their hometown area. 31.72% (1 850/5 833) of the unmarried youths had sexual experiences, with 41.46% (767/1 850) of them had casual sex but the rate of consistent condom use was only 3.46% (64/1 850). 5.04% (294/5 833) of the unmarried youths admitted of ever having used drugs, with 34.35% (101/294) of them having the experiences of injecting, with 84.16% (85/101) of them sharing needles. Rates on factors as: working outside the resident areas, ever having had casual sexual behaviors, drug use and injecting drug use were seen higher among HIV infections, with differences statistically significant (χ(2)=88.72, 104.43, 4.20, 154.39, 55.94, P<0.05). Results from the logistic regression showed that factors as: being male,Yi ethnicity, illiteracy, experience of working outside the resident area, never or casual condom use and needle-sharing drug use etc. would significantly increase the risk of HIV infection. Conclusions: HIV infection among unmarried youths from rural areas in Liangshan prefecture called for attention because of the high rates of risk behaviors. Factors as: having had sexual experiences with low condom use, popular injecting drug use with needle sharing, being male, under Yi ethnicity, with lower education level and ever working outside the resident area etc. were under risks that related to HIV infection for unmarried youths in this area.
目的: 分析凉山彝族自治州(凉山州)农村未婚青年HIV感染相关行为特征,探讨艾滋病在该人群中传播的相关因素。 方法: 按照凉山州艾滋病哨点监测方案进行资料收集,采用EpiData 3.1软件和SPSS 19.0软件进行数据录入和整理,采用χ(2)检验和二分类logistic回归分析。 结果: 2011-2013年监测5 871人,农村未婚青年HIV阳性检出率为3.45%(201/5 833)。27.56%(1 607/5 833)的未婚青年有过外出打工史,性行为的发生率为31.72%(1 850/5 833),其中41.46%(767/1 850)发生过偶遇性行为,安全套的坚持使用率仅为3.46%(64/1 850),5.04%(294/5 833)的未婚青年承认吸毒,其中34.35%(101/294)选择注射吸毒,共用针具比例高达84.16%(85/101)。感染者中外出打工、性行为、偶遇性行为、吸毒及注射毒品的比例均高于非感染者,差异有统计学意义(χ(2)值分别为88.72、104.43、4.20、154.39、55.94,均P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归结果显示,男性、彝族、文盲、外出打工、从未使用和有时使用安全套及共用针具是农村未婚青年HIV感染的危险因素。 结论: 凉山州农村未婚青年HIV感染形势严峻,性行为发生率高而安全套使用率低,吸毒者中普遍存在注射毒品和共用针具现象,文化程度低、流动性强的彝族男性感染风险更高。.
Keywords: HIV; Risk factors; Sentinel surveillance; Unmarried youth.