Hematospermia or hemospermia is defined as the presence of blood in ejaculate. The true prevalence of the condition is unknown because many cases escape the patient's notice, and remain unrecognized and unreported. There are two main aims in the patient evaluation: first, to ensure that there is no specific condition that is treatable; second, to reassure the patient's parents that no causative factor is present. Many physicians are unfamiliar with this disorder and this forms the basis for our current review. We performed an essentially English language search (Medline since 1966 to present and reference list of articles) for "hematospermia", or "hemospermia" in combination with "adolescents", "young adults", "genital diseases", "management" and "review". The authors' personal experience with 6 adolescents and young men (up to the age of 20 years) is also reported. Several anatomical structures contributing to the ejaculate may be the source of the hematospermia: seminal vesicles, prostate, testis and epididymis. Hematospermia is a generally benign and self-limited condition that is infrequently associated with significant underlying pathology. Once the diagnosis is clear, it is important to reassure the adolescent about the benign nature and self-limiting course of the condition and to provide appropriate treatment to help ensure the adolescent's normal sexual development.
Keywords: Adolescents; Assessment; Hematospermia; Treatment; Youth.
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