One hundred eighty-three human single copy clones were isolated from the Livermore Laboratory chromosome 11 library (ID code LL11NSO1) and 112 of them were mapped to chromosome 11. Using a panel of somatic cell hybrids segregating chromosome 11 translocations and short arm deletions, 54 of the clones were assigned to one of nine segments on the short arm of chromosome 11; the remainder were assigned to the long arm. Nine of these clones map to 11p13, and four of the nine [57(D11S89), 530(D11S90), 706(D11S93), and 1104(D11S95)] are confined to the same segment within p13 that contains catalase (CAT), the beta subunit of follicle stimulating hormone (FSHB), and the Wilms' tumor-aniridia (WAGR) gene complex.