Anxiety and Depression as Predictors of Recurrence in Geriatric Depression: A Preliminary Report

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 1996;4(3):252-257. doi: 10.1097/00019442-199622430-00009. Epub 2012 Aug 14.


The authors studied elderly patients with major depression (MDD) who recovered after nortriptyline treatment to determine the relationship of affective symptoms at completion of continuation treatment to eventual MDD recurrence. Independent objective measures of depressive and anxiety symptoms were obtained before and after nortriptyline tapering. Univariate log-rank analysis demonstrated a trend for total post-discontinuation anxiety scores to predict time-to-recurrence in 12 subjects with complete data sets. Items assessing excessive worry and psychic tension (subjective anxiety) were significant predictors. No relationship was found between continuation-phase anxiety or depressive symptoms either immediately preceding or after discontinuation and course.