The repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks through recombination is required for proper association and disjunction of the meiotic homologous chromosomes. Meiosis-specific protein HOP2 plays essential roles in recombination by promoting recombinase activities. The N-terminal domain of HOP2 interacts with DNA through helix 3 (H3) and wing 1 (W1). Mutations in wing 1 (Y65A/K67A/Q68A) slightly weakened the binding but mutations in helices 2 and 3 (Q30A/K44A/K49A) nearly abolished the binding. To better understand such differential effects at atomic level, molecular dynamics simulations were employed. Despite losing some hydrogen bonds, the W1-mutant DNA complex was rescued by stronger hydrophobic interactions. For the wild type and W1-mutant, the protein was found to slide along the DNA grooves as the DNA rolls along its double-helix axis. This motion could be functionally important to facilitate the precise positioning of the single-stranded DNA with the homologous double-stranded DNA. The sliding motion was reduced in the W1-mutant. The H-mutant nearly lost all intermolecular interactions. Moreover, an additional mutation in wing 1 (Y65A/K67A/Q68A/K69A) also caused complete complex dissociation. Therefore, both wing 1 and helix 3 make important contribution to the DNA binding, which could be important to the strand invasion function of HOP2 homodimer and HOP2-MND1 heterodimer. Similar to cocking a medieval crossbow with the archer's foot placed in the stirrup, wing 1 may push the minor groove to cause distortion while helix 3 grabs the major groove.
Keywords: GROMACS; binding energy; meiosis; protein–DNA interactions; recombination.