[Purpose] The purpose of this study is to examine patient preferences for counseling related to sexuality post-stroke in Korea. [Subjects and Methods] A survey was conducted on 200 stroke patients. Among the 200 submitted questionnaires, 156 responded but 147 cases are available. The questionnaire is composed of 27 questions such as 8 independent variables related to the general characteristics of the patients, 7 dependent variables in conjunction with sexual intercourse and changed muscle tone, 6 questions regarding to changed sexual function, and 6 questions about a changed motor and a sensory function after stroke. To analyze the factors related to a sexual function after a stroke, we used the random forest, boosting algorithm and MANOVA. [Results] The most important variable in variable group 1 is VAR1, and then VAR22, VAR23, VAR26, VAR27, VAR25, VAR21 and VAR 24 respectively. The most important variable in variable group 2 is VAR22, and then VAR26, VAR23, VAR25, VAR1, VAR27, VAR21 and VAR 24. Finally, for variable group 3, VAR1 has the most important percentage, and we have the order as VAR26, VAR23, VAR27, VAR22, VAR25, VAR21 and VAR 24 among the rest of variables. The result of variable importance in boosting algorithm is somehow the same as that of random forest. [Conclusion] As a result of our analysis, we figured out that duration of illness, age, and education level are important factors of sexual functions for Korean Stroke patients.
Keywords: Korean stroke patients; Sexual functions; Survey.